Hosting a Food Drive is a great way to get your company, school or community group involved in the fight against hunger. You can help by collecting non-perishable food items, holding a Virtual Food Drive, or by doing a combination of both.
Actual Food Drive
Your group will collect non-perishable food items to donate to Target Hunger. We provide collection barrels and posters that can be displayed at your company or organization. Donated food is picked up by Target Hunger staff and weighed in. Please start by filling out a Target Hunger Food Drive Commitment Form and returning it back to us.
Virtual Food Drive
Instead of collecting food items, you’ll collect financial donations from your friends and family. Target Hunger can stretch every dollar even further and the donation will be directed to where it’s needed most. Start by Setting Up a Virtual Food Drive Here.
Shop Amazon
Did you know we have an Amazon Wishlist? You can shop our Disaster Boxes Wishlist here and have items sent directly to our warehouse. It’s an easy way to get involved and get our boxes filled.

Together we CAN make Houston a city without hunger. For more information, please contact our team at